Solutions for Snow Falling off a Metal Roof

If your local area gets a healthy amount of snowfall, this is a problem you’re unfortunately very familiar with. There’s no doubt that metal barn roofs and garage roofs are durable and stylish, but snow falling off a metal roof is a common issue – which can easily be prevented. Metal snow guards are the number one solution for this – keep reading to see more about these devices, how they work, and what they cost.

At New Holland Supply, we’re best known for selling garage and barn kits that homeowners and businesses all over the country trust. In addition to designing and selling these building kits, we also provide the extras and accessories meant to go along with them. Learn how snow guards prevent snow falling off a metal roof – and order here!

How to Stop Snow Sliding off a Metal Roof: Snow Guards

Pole barn garage with best snow guards on roof

During winter snowfall, sloped metal roofs (the type often installed on barns and garages) typically accumulate a fair amount of snow. While these ultra-durable metal roofs aren’t much of a risk to leak, the accumulation is a risk for sheets of snow or ice sliding off of them, hitting whoever or whatever is underneath. However, snow guards are the single best solution to stop snow sliding off a metal roof. Here are a few questions and answers regarding this key upgrade:

  1. How do snow guards work? Snow guards work to prevent big chunks of snow or ice sliding off a metal roof by holding the large frozen sheets in place and not letting them slide past the guards. This then causes the dangerous snow sheets to melt naturally and break into smaller, harmless pieces.
  2. Where are snow guards necessary? Any place that receives any amount of snow can benefit from having snow guards. The best snow guards are effective at blocking as little as an inch of snow. We recommend that you judge whether it is worth the purchase based more on how often you see snow on your roof – rather than living in a specific location.
  3. Can I install them on my own? The answer to this depends somewhat on your familiarity working with DIY projects, but generally most people can install them without needing to pay a contractor. All you need to do is get up onto the roof and screw the guards into the metal roof at the appropriate positions. Installing each guard is a simple process. Planning out where you are going to install the guards can often take more time than installing the guards themselves.
  4. How many guards do I need per roof? While larger roofs will require more guards, in general most average sized structures require two of guards – with half on one side of the roof and half on the other. Generally, roofs will need about 50 to 60 individual guards in total. See standard garage sizes right here.
  5. What do they cost?
    While there is no question that snow sliding off a metal roof is hazardous, you might not want to spend thousands of dollars to prevent it either. The good news is that snow guards are a fairly inexpensive solution. We sell two lines of the best snow guards for standard metal roofs that cost $7 per guard – and ones for standing seam metal roofs that cost $19 per guard. This means an average project can cost around $400 to $1,000 depending on which style guards you need.

What to Look for in the Best Snow Guards

All it takes is this one simple solution to stop snow sliding off your metal roof forever. Whether you have a garage, a horse barn, a workshop, or even a home with a metal roof, the best snow guards will do the trick for you. At New Holland Supply, we’ve made our name by delivering top of the line equipment to our customers – and our snow guards are no exception. Here’s what makes our snow guards stand out as the best:

Made of Power-Coated Stainless Steel – To ensure they stand up to the elements year after year, the best snow guards are made of stainless steel and powder coated. This process ensures they won’t rust no matter what.

Have a Variety of Colors – To match almost any color metal roof, you can find options in one of 30 different colors.

garage kit built with snow guards on metal roof

Extremely Effective Performance – We say our gutter guards are the best because they are extremely effective at their job. If you install them properly they will absolutely prevent snow falling off your metal roof.

Ask any questions you may have and place your order with our team today!

I have spoken with a dozen or more building suppliers and this is the most helpful information I have gotten from anyone. Thank you, I greatly appreciate you.


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